Welcome to my GITA 1 webpage

Welcome! This is the homepage for GITA 1. In GITA 1
we learn C#. C# is a modern programming language where we
we learn how to make Windows applications. This
is my first year of programming.

My goal is to learn coding to further my knowledge overall in the CS field.
To download my projects, click on the pictures and click the download button on the top right.

GoodBye Program


This program translates the word goodbye into four different languages and also shows their flags.

Help Page


This program shows a help page. If you click on the buttons on the right the images and text will appear.

Mailing Label


This program lets you put your information into a text box then puts the text into mailing form.

Car Rental


This program uses conacatenation and decimals to calculate prices for a car rental service.



This program takes your hieght and weight to calculate the BMI.

Car Rental Upgrade


This program is a version of my car rental program but with radio buttons and prices that vary in each car.

Test Score Program


This program takes your grade in fraction form then shows what letter grade you got. After is shows the average of the two test and which one you did better on.

Dice Program


This program rolls two dice randomly then shows the probablity for the different sums of the dices.

Craps Game


This program shows how to play and plays the Craps game.

Slot Machine


This program simulates a casino slot machine with a 1000$ jackpot.

T-Shirt Sales


This program uses radio buttons and check boxes to calculate the price of a shirt.

Rock Paper Scissors


This program is a regular game of rock, paper, scissors.

Submarine 1


This program makes the submarine move up and down

Submarine 2D


This program makes the submarine move up, down, left, and right

NCAA Bowl Game


This program shows two colleges playing in the Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl and compares their stats

Tic Tac Toe


This program simulates a game of Tic Tac Toe for 2 players to play

Basic AI Game


This program plays a game where the player shoots an AI that is following the player

N! Calculator


This program calculates the sequence, even, odd, factorial, and fibonacci of a number

Star Field


This program simulates stars flying past you in all directions as if you are in space

Number Array


This program generates numbers and outputs the highest, lowest, and the average of the numbers

AI Upgrade


This program puts 20 AI's for the player to shoot

Bee Hive


This program puts 20 AI's for the player to shoot

Final Project


This program makes food and bomb drop from the sky. You must catch the food while avoiding the bombs